BarWare II has been improved in the following ways:
• More efficient use of memory.
• Greater speed.
• An Index layout to display or print all of the recipe names.
• More categories have been added.
• A lot more recipes have been added. Now there are 775 recipes.
Requirements ––––––
BarWare II requires FileMaker Pro. You must have FileMaker Pro installed on your Macintosh for it to function. It also requires 256 colors to display correctly and 10 & 12 point screen fonts for Times Roman and Times Bold and their equivalent printer fonts for proper display.
Instructions ––––––
ADD TO PRINT LIST: This moves selected recipes to a layout that can be printed. To accomplish this:
1) Start by selecting the check box of the desired recipes (as many as you like).
2) After you have selected all the recipes you want to print, click the “P. List” button. All checked recipes will be moved to a print layout where as many recipes that can fit on a page will be printed.
3) When you are finished printing, click the “LIST” button.
4) Deselect check boxes.
5) Click the “FIND ALL” button.
HIDDEN BUTTONS: Clicking on the “i” in the word “List” will take you to the recipe index layout where you can print the title of all the recipes.
Clicking on the “s” in the word “List” will alphabetize the records.
PASSWORD: At start up, a password dialog box will appear. Leave it blank and hit return. You will be able to use the program like any other FileMaker Pro file with the exception of being able to print, export, modify scripts and layouts. Please send the shareware fee to receive the password to remove it.
The Shareware Fee is $10.00. Please send to:
Pacific Cargo Co.
PO Box 232492
Encinitas, CA 92023
Please in include your email address and where you downloaded it from.
A gray scale version is available for $15.00. Additional price reflects disk and postal cost.
I also have produced the following:
• CookWare II This must be a good cookbook to compete with all the rest. Very easy to use interactive cookbook. Allows you to quickly enter recipes without having to fill-out extentsive fields. Includes 280 hand-picked wonderful recipes, more available. Excellent search capablities.
• SafeDog & SafeCat An electronic record keeper. Ideal for giving critical information about your pet to people who care for your pet when you're unable to.